
The one-week mid-term holiday has begun. So it was fitting that the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus should close the first half of the school year and a hectic week of exam-marking, exam-returning, report-writing and report-printing.


The school Mass was in the Dominican Rite, and offered by Fr Albert, O.P. You can view the Mass here. The Sisters sang the Mass and the girls added their voices to two beautiful hymns: O Jesu, ego amo Te and Cor dulce, Cor amabile

Exam marking is usually quite entertaining. Strange things you never knew you said suddenly make their way into the exam scripts.

The Sunday before, we had a Procession of the Holy Name of Jesus. Processions are a big part of the Liturgy in the Dominican Order, and the second Sunday of the month is usually dedicated to the Holy Name. We didn’t really have a place to process to, but I think Our Lord was still honoured by our little lap around the chapel grounds.

The Procession is led by the Cross-Bearer flanked by two acolytes.

While singing hymns in honour of the Holy Name, we winded our way around the chapel garden, followed by Father, who carried the statue of the Infant King.

It wasn’t a long Procession, but it was long enough to sing two hymns before we entered the Chapel again.

Of course, the Thursday before was Corpus Christi. Before the Sung Mass, Our Lord was carried in Procession to the Altar of Repose, before Father Palko gave the Benediction to the whole school.

The Primary School leads the way, with Fr Laisney and Mr Ng singing the hymns via the megaphone.
The Altar of Repose at the Boys’ School.
The Church was full, so the Sisters had to wait outside while the Litany and other prayers were said. We had Mass immediately after.

Anyway, the Boarders are now dispersed in different parts of the North Island, while the House Mothers are having a well-deserved holiday on the South Island. (As I type, I hear the last Boarding pupil say “bye!” as she goes off on her holiday!)

As for the Sisters, we are happy (and hoping) to spend more time, vacare Deo. Well, one hopes that will be possible anyway. There are always many, many pressing things to do, which one never manages to do during Term time!

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