
Highlights from the Guild Dinner

Thank you for sharing the evening with us. We will be uploading the recordings of the evening for those who were unable to make it there soon, after the flurry of examination-correcting and report-writing is over! But for the moment, here are some photographs and an audio-recording of the crowd-pleasing music number by Sister Mary … Read more

Behold we bring you glad tidings

The Dominican Sisters of Wanganui joyously announce the following upcoming events: Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 in Wanganui, NEW ZEALAND Feast of the Patronage of Our Lady over the Dominican order FINAL PROFESSION Sister Maria Swarupa (India) RENEWAL OF TEMPORARY PROFESSION Sister Marie Dominique (Colorado, United States) Monday, January 6th, 2014 in Melbourne, AUSTRALIA Feast of the Epiphany … Read more

Upcoming Mission

DOMINICAN TRIP TO USA June 2012 Kindly sponsored by a Generous Benefactor Three Sisters from the Dominican Sisters of Wanganui will be travelling to the United States in order to attend the June ordinations and promote religious life. ITINERARY 15th June, Ordinations at Seminary 16th-20th June – St Mary’s, Kansas 20th-23rd June – Phoenix, Arizona … Read more