Convent Life


Music is an integral part of our lives as nuns – first and foremost because we are brides of Christ and then for some it overflows in a very useful way into our lives as school teachers! Because our first duty is that of praise and honour to Him who is sublime beauty, fittingly the … Read more


The New Year, with all its blessings, has also brought a very pleasant change to the Novitiate. The novices and postulants are now pleased to have their array of classes and lectures being mostly overseen by Mother Micaela, who was able to particularly focus her schedule so as to be able to be in the … Read more


Before coming to the convent, I would very occasionally poke up (from under the ashes of a million last-minute preparations) a few sparks of curiosity about what it would be like to actually be at the convent, and in New Zealand. I can’t remember much of what I came up with, but as it turns … Read more


In preparation for the lovely ceremony of the taking of the habit of our canonical novice, Sister Mary Margaret, the third Kiwi in the community (dare I say soon to be outnumbered by Australians and Americans– at present we have 3 Kiwis, 3 Aussies, 1 Filipino, 1 South African and 3 Americans) we had our … Read more

St Anthony’s Procession

On 15 June 2008, St Anthony’s parish held its annual procession in honour of St Anthony. The founding parishioners promised St Anthony that if he got them the Church that had been their original parish Church, then up for sale, they would hold an annual procession in his honour. Using a front-man, and in spite … Read more

The Novitiate

“Beati qui habitant in domo tua, Domine: in saecula saeculorum laudabunt te.” Whenever we novices meet up with our old friends, they always invariably ask us: “so, Sister, what do you do all day?”This question always provokes a grin, partly because of the honest incredulity behind it, (after all, it seems such an uneventful life) … Read more

Our clothing ceremony

In the still dark of January 5th 2008 the seconds seemed to quiver as they slowly passed. Did we even sleep at all that long night, the night before our clothing in the habbit of the Dominican sisters of Wanganui. Questions darted through our minds in an unceasing train of if’s…buts….and oh dears… the strange … Read more

Choir Stalls

One of the most important things about our little Congregation is that it has contemplative roots, being able to trace its ancestry from Dublin to Galway and then to Prouille. Thus we are devoted to the Divine Office. When we moved to our new convent hope arose that we might be able to get choir … Read more

Two New Novices Take The Veil

On 6 January 2008 our two Postulants received the veil. Sister Mary Rosaria and Sister Mary Philomena Click on the link ( the right of this page, in the ‘Links’ box,to view a short video by TVNZ of the Novices on their big day.


The Sisters with Father Laisney and Father Couture From 15-22 December the Dominican Sisters of Wanganui are making their retreat. The Retreat-giver is Father Couture, the District Superior. He is preaching about Our Lady with a strong Biblical and Thomistic background. Two priests are also sharing the Retreat. The Sisters have also been able to … Read more

Blessing of School and New Convent

On Saturday 8 December we had a Solemn High Mass in the Church for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This beautiful Mass was followed by the blessing of the school and convent. After Mass, the Celebrant, Fr Couture, and the Deacon, Fr Cranshaw, and the Subdeacon, Fr Jackson, went in procession with the servers … Read more

Feast of Christ the King.

Sunday 29 October 2007: Feast of Christ the King. Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. A Solemn High Mass was celebrated at 9.30am in St Anthony’s Church. At this Mass nine children of the parish received their First Communion. They had been prepared for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Communion … Read more