It is good to give praise to the Lord
Bonum est confiteri Domino: et psallere nomini tuo, Altissime Ad annuntiandum mane misericordiam tuam: et veritatem tuam per noctem (Ps 91: 2-3) It is good to give praise to the Lord: and to sing to Thy name, O most High To shew forth Thy mercy in the morning, and Thy truth in the night One … Read more
The beauty and value of Truth
Some 600 years ago, Piero della Franseco painted “The Resurrection”, a fresco that for centuries has challenged men to choose between the spiritual and material spheres of life. The style he chose for execution was to enhance his message: “Don’t have any doubt that this event REALLY happened!” It was based on a firm belief … Read more
Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord.
Hosanna Filio David: benedictus qui venit in Nomine Domini. O Rex Israel: Hosanna in excelsis. O Rex Israel! On Palm Sunday, the Church, the mystical Israel, views her meek king riding upon a gentle beast. In a few days, all outward appearance of his divinity shall be more hidden than ever. But now, on the … Read more
St Patrick’s Day at Rosary Convent
March 17 is a special day in the Australian calendar, and not only in Catholic ones –your average calendar purchased from the post-office or supermarket will usually feature the words ‘St Patrick’s Day’ in bold print on the 17th of March. If you bother to take notice of the advertisements of your local businesses, you … Read more
Feast of St Thomas Aquinas: Blessing of Rosary Convent
“O God, through whom Thy Church is glorified by the wonderful learning of Thy blessed Confessor Thomas and profiteth still from his holy labours: grant we pray, that we may grasp his teaching with our minds and show it, as he did, in our lives.” Processing in for Mass A joyous occasion for our community, … Read more
Rosary Convent ~ Novitiate house of the Dominican Sisters of Wanganui
With but fourteen friars, trusting in the grace of God, which he felt to be with him, and encouraged by the approbation of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, St Dominic, who had inculcated in his brethren his own grand ideal, judged that the time had come to disperse them over the world. His resolution was … Read more
An Historic Occasion
The 17th of January marked a significant day in our Congregation’s history, as we, the sisters remaining at St Dominic’s Convent, Wanganui, farewelled a courageous contingent of fellow sisters bound for Our Lady of the Rosary Convent, the new foundation and motherhouse in Tynong, Australia. The contingent, which consisted of three novices (S.M. Louise, S.M. … Read more
Last Ceremony In New Zealand?
Epiphany 2012 marks a momentous occasion for the Dominican Congregation of Wanganui. On this day several of our sisters made their oblations to our Lord, in what may have been the last ceremony to be held here in New Zealand. Most of our Community after the Epiphany Ceremony Because of the continuing growth of our … Read more
September 2011
The month of September passed quickly with many important events taking place. At the beginning of the month, there was a quick visit to Australia for Mother and two professed sisters. The goal: To have a look at St Thomas Aquinas School in Tynong and a piece of land called “the green wedge,” where our … Read more
Postulants Move In… Sisters Move Out…
In the month of May a new sight was seen on the front lawns of our Dominican Convent and College. One fine afternoon, trucks came rolling in with two little cabins – all set to become something that no one had ever before envisaged: “hermitages” for religious sisters. When in the month of June, two … Read more
Epiphany and Religious Profession
The great solemnity of Epiphany is a most appropriate feast for the ceremony of religious profession. The different portions of the Liturgy are highly symbolic; especially alluding to the gifts and virtues the future brides of Christ must possess, and also in representation of perseverance in their vocations. Guided onwards by the divine light, the … Read more