Convent Life

Meet the new Novices and their Patron Saints

It has been just over a month since the four postulants have undergone a metamorphosis.  Their “new look” has a profound and spiritual meaning. Both in the Church and in the eyes of the world the religious habit symbolizes at one and the same time,           (a)  separation from the world, the renunciation of its spirit and its … Read more

The Clothing Ceremony in Photos

  At last we have some photos to show our families, friends and benefactors who were unable to attend the Ceremony in January. Please remember to pray for the Novices who received the holy habit and who will withdraw from the turmoil of exterior things this year in order to unite themselves more fully with … Read more

What has been happening around the convent?

We’ve all been asked by Mother Catherine to write a bit about our ‘new’ patron Saints, so that our readership gets to know a little more about them. I have a considerably easier task than the others, though, because I have a sneaking suspicion that plenty of people already know about St Anne. I have, … Read more

Busy like a bee, thou did serve the Lord.

“It was like the work which keep bees hard at their task about the flowering countryside as the sun shines in the calm of early summer…All is a ferment of activity, and the scent of honey rises with the perfume of thyme.”  How aptly these words of Virgil the poet describe the scene at Rosary … Read more

November: Month of the Holy Souls

O, what a debt of gratitude we owe God for the merciful institution of Purgatory. He will not cast us away from Him when we arrive travel-worn and sin-stained at the gates of our heavenly Fatherland.  If only we bear within our souls the image of God in Sanctifying Grace, we shall be received with … Read more

The Feast of Christ the King

Christus Vincit Christus Regnat Christus, Christus Imperat! These words rang out from the voices in the Tynong procession close to thirty times on Sunday, demonstrating a firm belief in Our Lord’s sovereignty even in today’s atheistic world. And God, Who is not to be outdone in generosity, saw that the rainclouds – which looked threatening … Read more

St Matthew’s surprise

St. Matthew is one of those saints                                     who becomes a dear friend                                                once you get acquainted.                                                       Let’s get to know him a bit better!           St. Matthew:  I am always happy to make new friends.  You know, I didn’t have very many to begin with.                                                                                                   Inmate of Rosary Convent:  Really?  Why is … Read more

The happiest place on earth…

 “Let us shout for joy to the great King, creator of the universe. In Him Louis lives, sharing the glory of the saints.”  – these words were sung during Matins as we celebrated the feast of St Louis Bertrand – patron of novitiates.  Postulants and Novices provides entertainment for the community on the feast of … Read more