Convent Life

The Month of the Holy Rosary at Tynong

The month of the Holy Rosary has always been a time of special spiritual joy for Dominican religious communities and their associates, and is crowned by the beautiful feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7. It is the patronal feast of Rosary Convent and a first-class liturgical celebration for the entire … Read more

September 2014 at Rosary Convent

The month of September heralds the coming of Spring here in Victoria, and our community was able to rejoice in the beautiful feast days of two of our members here at Rosary Convent. The feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin on September 15 had us commemorating the very first name day of Sister Maria … Read more

Our Adventurous Actions in August

August is always a special month to look forward to in any Dominican Calendar!  Not only do the words Arise, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, for winter will soon be over and the rain over and gone come to mind, but it also means celebrations of the most solemn kind for the Feast of Our … Read more

Rosary Convent Update

With an update of Rosary Convent long overdue, we scarcely know where to begin the news update; so we’ll start at the beginning. After all, it is a very good place to start.   The first month of 2014 was a very momentous one for us, for on January 6th we had the happiness of … Read more

Australian Wildlife

Welcome to Holy Rosary Convent, Australia If you look carefully to your right, you shouldn’t miss our backyard friends who often come at the time of Compline to graze on grass, have a little nap or stand upright with a placid stare, listening to us chant the Divine Office. Known throughout Australia as the Kangaroo, … Read more

St Dominic’s Convent, Wanganui ~ 22nd December 2013

Profession Ceremony  “The Life of a Prophet” was the topic announced for the Sisters’ annual retreat this year, and the retreat fulfilled the promise of such an intriguing title. The prophet chosen was Eliseus, and we heard from Father MacPherson about burning your bridges (no, sorry, your plow) behind you when you answer God’s call, … Read more

Pilgrimage to the South Island: Day One: Across the Seas

One book which will always have a special place in our convent library is Star of the South by Sister Mary Augustine O.P.  After reading it in the refectory on more than one occasion, it inspired us to take a voyage this September to the South Island during our recent school holidays. Our mission: to … Read more

Pilgrimage to the South: Day Two: Timaru, Oamaru, Teschemakers, Dunedin

 Another early morning on Tuesday, we headed for Timaru where we visited the beautiful Sacred Heart Basilica and were lucky enough to find tables of books which were free for the taking. Our Sister Librarian quickly jumped into action and with a quick eye pounced on some good authors such as Garrigou-Lagrange, while leaving more … Read more

Pilgrimage to the South Island: Day Five: Dunedin

On Friday, the second to last day of our journey, we were able to spend time in Dunedin, the city where the seed was first sown.  We were able to visit the Dominican Cathedral and Chapel, St Dominic’s Priory, the old Novitiate, Aquinas Hall, Bishop Moran’s tomb, the steepest street in the world and Santa … Read more