Convent Life

Holy Week at St Dominic’s

Holy Week at the Convent: We were blessed to have our chaplain with us and part of our lockdown “bubble,” and so we were able to have the liturgical ceremonies of the Sacred Triduum in the Dominican Rite, beginning with Tenebrae on Maundy Thursday morning. The new fire was blessed in our backyard, and as … Read more

St Patrick’s Day

On the Feast of St Patrick (17th March 2020), the Sisters sang the Mass in our little chapel in Nazareth, before Fr Albert blessed the site of the new building.

How Time Flies

Time has flown by yet again, and we are already more than midway through August, which has been simply chock-full of activity. Before school began again on the last week of July, however, some of us had the happiness and privilege of lunching with Sister Shirley Gallagher, D.O.L.S.H. Now an octogenarian, Sister had spent 50 … Read more

Talofa means Hello in Samoan

On Friday, 30 June, a vanload of Sisters drove off to Melbourne Airport amid a chorus of beeps, goodbyes and even a loud bon-voyage from the Year 10 Girls, who were cheekily observing how to say goodbye Rosary Convent style from their classroom windows. Mother Mary Catherine, Sister Mary Rose, Sister Mary Anna and Sister … Read more

Thank You

Thank You for your generosity.  The Sisters pray weekly for all our Benefactors and a Mass is offered monthly for their intentions.

Dominican Life

The chief aim of every religious, regardless of what institute he or she may belong to, is the attainment of personal holiness, of union with God in charity. Many orders use the same general means to reach this end, namely, the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. However, each order has a specific end … Read more

St Dominic’s Day as seen through the eyes of First Year Novices

  These joyful verses are taken from the First Vespers of the Feast of our Holy Father St. Dominic. This was the first time in the history of St. Thomas Aquinas College that the girls of grades seven to grade twelve were invited to celebrate St. Dominic’s Day with the Sisters. Students and Sisters were very … Read more

Adoro Te Devote

The Feast of Corpus Christi can never be separated from St Thomas Aquinas, who is remembered with pride and joy by Dominicans as the author of the Office and Liturgy of the Feast of the Most Precious Body and Blood of Christ. The tender and childlike devotion shining through each strophe of verse is matched … Read more

A Rose Garden for Our Lady

There is a well-loved story from the Lives of the Brethren that offers much consolation for those who wear the habit of our Order. Our Holy Father St Dominic, being one day granted a vision of Heaven, looked in vain for his children among the heavenly court. Being distressed, he appealed to Our Divine Lord, … Read more

Sisterly Happenings at Rosary Convent

“The whole Church enjoys the help of the Heavenly Doctor,  but Dominic’s Order shines with special glory”    (Matins Antiphon, Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas).   On the 7th March we celebrated the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelic Doctor of the Church and famous Dominican. Saint Thomas received the Dominican Habit while quite young … Read more

How to commence a new year in 2015

Every one therefore that heareth these my words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a rock. (Matthew … Read more