
Walk-a-thon fundraiser

St Dominic’s College students walked as many laps as they could, around a 3km circuit within the school’s neighbourhood for a duration of three hours, in order to raise much needed funds for the Parish schools. A water point was essential to keeping tired feet going…Teachers manned the 3km point at which students got their … Read more

Fostering Vocations

“The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few…” Luke 10:2In the spirit of the vocations crusade which Father Couture called for in the Asian District (with Rosaries offered up for this intention between the months of May to November) and following the example of our holy founder who dispersed his brethren in the … Read more

For the love of Truth

Pope Pius XII said of real Christian education that it: “…must be a continuous, permanent and progressive work; it must permeate all teaching, even profane, penetrating right to the depths of the soul. It, therefore, consists in addition to the methodical exposition of doctrine, in seeing and making all things be seen in the light … Read more

June Update

NEWS FROM SCHOOL The School year is progressing well and fast. Senior students are on study leave for their Latin Cambridge Examinations and all students are in preparation for their mid-year examinations, which are already only one week away! A senior Biology class with Sister Marie Therese Singing class with Sister Mary Rose. The Netball … Read more

Vocations Discernment Retreat

The Dominican Sisters of Wanganui would like to hear from young women who are interested in taking part in a Vocations Discernment Retreat. The retreat is likely to be held on 12-17 December 2010 and we would like an idea of the numbers we will need to organize for. We expect to engage an interesting … Read more

March / April Update

School Swimming:Yes! Sister Rose did succeed in having school swimming go right through to the Monday of Holy Week. The children continued to enjoy the water and had more free playing time in the water. Lesser women than Sister Rose would not have had the courage to persist that late in the season. Junior students … Read more

The Builderines

We have had a lot to do with builders over the last two and a half years, and it would be fair to say, with certain honourable exceptions, that a certain amount of disillusionment has set in. This has led Sister Mary Rose and Sister Mary Margaret to formulate the idea of another order under … Read more

The School Swimming Sports

On Monday 8 March 2010 the whole school and convent travelled in vans and cars to the Wanganui Girls’ College swimming pool. The junior school, i.e. Forms 1-4 had been having swimming lessons there the whole term. Girls’ College having lent the pool for free, the parents had to pay only for the swimming instructress. … Read more

Talk for Parents’ Evening 23 October 2009.

My dear Parents, Thank you for coming tonight. I want to talk a little about the ideas behind the subject-choices we are offering next year. First, next year is a very important year in education in New Zealand. There will be a new education curriculum coming into force in 2010. Karen Sewell, Secretary of Education … Read more


The girls have been doing a gardening module instead of P.E this term. It follows on from the gardening done by volunteers last term and our grounds are certainly looking lovely as a result of the girls efforts. First each girl has seeds to grow. Pottles, seeds and potting mix were supplied by Sister M. … Read more


With the mothers of tomorrow in our hands we are keen to equip them with a little of the homely arts, which have see a sad decline from yesteryear. To begin, the essential tools had to be mustered and the endless line of old dilapidated hand cranked sewing machines were crossed off the list and … Read more