
School Life at St Dominic’s

With the sudden notice of closure of school due to lock-downs all over the country, it might be apropos to take a brief look at what has happened the last few months in school. In July we received notice that one of our pupils had received 2nd place in the Creative section of the Shakespeare … Read more

800th Jubilee of the Death of St Dominic

The 800th Jubilee of the entrance into glory of our Holy Father St Dominic was celebrated over two days here in Wanganui. On the 4th of August, a Solemn High Mass was offered in the parish of St Anthony’s, followed by a brunch wherein past-pupils, Tertiaries, friends and benefactors were able to mingle with the … Read more

As the Lord liveth…

“As the Lord liveth, the God of Israel, in whose sight I stand…” In whatever we do, if we keep always the presence of God foremost in our minds, it will sanctify all our actions and keep us aware of the goal towards which we are working to: eternal life. The end of the school … Read more

A Spring in our Steps

Actiones nostras, quaesumus Domine, aspirando praeveni et adiuvando prosequere: ut cuncta nostra oratio et operatio a te semper incipiat, et per te coepta finiatur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. So goes the prayer that is prayed everyday at Pretiosa during the Office for the Sisters, and in the “Prayers Before School” for the girls in … Read more

Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces

Jesus Christ alone is the necessary and principal intercessor but it is no insult to Him when we present Him with our request through Our Lady or the saints who reign with Him in Heaven. Since all merit depends upon His merits and every expiation upon His infinite satisfactions, there is consequently no intercession that … Read more

Music Competition

Hail! Saint Dominic, Holy Father,Hail! O friend of God, to thee!Chosen Knight of Christ and Mary;Guardian of the Rosary. So goes the opening verse of the Hymn of St Dominic which by now is a familiar and beloved tune to the Sisters and their pupils here in St Dominic’s College. The hymn, penned by Sister … Read more

May, the Month of Our Lady

“The mystery of the Ascension raised Mary’s thoughts still higher heavenwards. The evening of that day, when she withdrew to the Supper-room with the Apostles (Acts 1:14) she must have felt, as they too did, how empty the world was without Jesus. The difficulty of converting the pagan world loomed up in all its magnitude. … Read more

Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

“And so, dearly-beloved, let us rejoice with spiritual joy, and let us with gladness pay God worthy thanks and raise our hearts’ eyes unimpeded to those heights where Christ is. Minds that have heard the call to be uplifted must not be pressed down by earthly affections, they that are fore-ordained to things eternal must … Read more

Out of the Winter Silence

The solemn and fog-like silence that has settled over the Wanganui community through the bleak winter months may have lead some of our readers to imagine that the sisters in New Zealand had decided to hibernate during this cold season. Though it was tempting, this has not been the case. Our taciturnity has been more … Read more

Signadou Snippets: March & April

Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas “St Thomas Aquinas Feast day was very exciting. The juniors (years 7 -9) had to prepare and practise their speeches and the seniors (years 10 – 13) had to prepare debates. We had approximately one week to get ready. It was very stressful and tiring putting it all together. As … Read more

Signadou Boarding School

The Last Three Months of the School Year 2014 Farewell to Madame Pipon and Domitille On October 31st, the Sisters and boarders said good-bye to Madame Pipon and Domitille with a farewell dinner. It was really wonderful having them here and a big thank you to Madame Pipon for all her hard work and to … Read more