Welcome to Holy Rosary Convent, Australia
If you look carefully to your right, you shouldn’t miss our backyard friends who often come at the time of Compline to graze on grass, have a little nap or stand upright with a placid stare, listening to us chant the Divine Office. Known throughout Australia as the Kangaroo, this marsupial comes in a variety of size, shape and species.
Here are a few species coming up now.
If you look to your left, you might be lucky to see some of the many vividly coloured birds that live in our native forest.
If you are very special, you might be able to see our cute koalas who roam about looking for leaves to eat when they are not napping in a tree.
Oh, what are the odds! If you look straight ahead, there is Fr MacPherson, SSPX. It seems he has found a furry friend.
We leave you now with a glimpse of some of our not so nice creatures. But don’t let this put you off, they are easily disposed of – as Sister Mary Jordan demonstrates.
Photos kindly supplied by Sister Mary Francis
Dear Sisters,
Thank you for posting these photos. The birds are beautiful.
I'd like to make a suggestion; find another way to dispose of insects and spiders. The spray can cause liver damage to humans.
Dear Sisters
Another way to dispose of the Huntsman spider is to either use a broom to get them off the ceiling or wall, then the good old fly swatter works every time.
Otherwise, suck them up with the vacuum cleaner!