An Invitation

Dear Friends,

Here we are after Christmas Midnight Mass – both communities in Rosary Convent.
We wish all of you a most holy and happy Christmastide and beg Our Lord to bless you with a happy year ahead.

Please keep the Sisters in your prayers as we go into retreat from today (Holy Innocents) till the Epiphany. We are very blessed to have Fr Albert, O.P. once again with us to preach our retreat and preside over the ceremonies.

Even if unable to be there with us, do join us in spirit – we will be praying for all of you.

2 thoughts on “An Invitation”

  1. All Praise and Glory be to the most Holy Name of Lord God Jesus Christ.

    May the Divine Master Jesus Christ strengthen abundantly and reward suitably His mystical brides who remain ever in faithfulness and fidelity to HIM…!

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