Our Life

The four pillars of Dominican spirituality (prayer, study, common life and preaching) are interwoven throughout our day to fulfill our motto:

Contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere : To contemplate and share with others the fruits of contemplation

Rise – 5:10am

“For to thee will I pray: O Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear my voice.” Psalm 5:5

Prayers – 5:30am

The first pillar of Dominican Spirituality is prayer. Dedicating the first hours of the day to God through the Divine Office (Lauds, Prime, Terce) and meditation, we strive to fullfil first part of our motto: contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere.

Mass – 7.00:am

The Holy Eucharist is the centre of our day. All of our actions are focused on either preparing ourselves to receive Our Lord or giving thanks for receiving Him at Holy Mass.

School – 8:20am

‘Preaching’ – another pillar of Dominican spirituality is fulfilled by our work at St Dominic’s College and St Anthony’s Primary school where we fulfill the second part of our motto: contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere.


The second pillar of Dominican spirituality is study. Although a large part of the Novitiate, study is incorporated into all the Sister’s schedule in order to better unite heart and mind for our salvation and that of our neighbour.

Spiritual Reading and Sext – 12:30pm

Spiritual reading and the chanting of the divine office give us the spiritual refueling needed to keep our Dominican focus amidst a busy day.

None & Meditation – 3:30pm

With the school day ended, we come together to chant the divine office and spend some precious time in meditation before Our Lord in the tabernacle.

Recreation – 4:30pm

The fourth pillar of Dominican spirituality is the the common life. This includes time to recreate together benefiting both body and soul as we spend a half hour of the afternoon in some physical activity.

Vespers, Rosary, Matins – 5:00pm

We come together to chant Vespers – evening prayer of the Church – and recite the Rosary. Due to the nature of our work, we also anticipate Matins the evening before.

Dinner – 6:00pm

Keeping with our contemplative roots, part of the common life is taking our meals together and in silence while listening to the reading of a spiritual book. We are, therefore, fed both in mind and body.

Recreation – 7:15pm

Evening recreation gives us a chance to practice that common life of which St Augustine speaks in the Rule (chosen by St Dominic for his order) resulting in being of one mind and one heart in God.

Compline – 7:45pm

Compline closes the day with a Salve procession in honour of Our Lady and an O Lumen procession in honour of St Dominic.