The 800th Jubilee of the entrance into glory of our Holy Father St Dominic was celebrated over two days here in Wanganui. On the 4th of August, a Solemn High Mass was offered in the parish of St Anthony’s, followed by a brunch wherein past-pupils, Tertiaries, friends and benefactors were able to mingle with the Sisters and the priests and catch up with old friends.
An afternoon match of netball between the Students and Sisters concluded with a tea of cake and biscuits with the girls, with Fr Elias and Fr Ladner joining in with the festivities – with an entertaining display of juggling by Fr Elias (assisted by Fr Ladner).
The big item was, of course, the play, O Spem Miram, which was performed on 7th August, to a packed audience. It was a highly spectacular performance, and all the lunchtime and Wednesday afternoon practices certainly bore fruit as the girls acted, sang, danced, and entertained the delighted crowd.
Thank you for joining us this special jubilee year. May the prayer to St Dominic, O Spem Miram, be ever on our lips:
O wonderful hope which you gave to those who wept for you at the hour of your death, promising that after your death you would be helpful to your brethren; Fulfil, Father, what you have said, and help us by your prayers.
O spem miram quam dedisti mortis hora te flentibus, dum post mortem promisisti te profuturum fratribus: Imple Pater quod dixisti, nos tuis iuvans precibus.
You enlightened the bodies of the sick with so many miracles: bring us the help of Christ, to heal our sick souls. Fulfill, Father what you have said, and help us by your prayers.
Qui tot signis claruisti in aegrorum corporibus, nobis opem ferens Christi, aegris medere moribus. Imple Pater quod dixisti, nos tuis iuvans precibus.
So lovely, with thanks
Thank you for sharing all your blessing, joy and photo’s.
God bless
Greetings from South Africa
May our Lord continue to bless the hands of your work and continue the great work He has begun in you.
Blessed be Jesus True God and True Man. Blessed be His Holy Name.