For the love of Truth

Pope Pius XII said of real Christian education that it: “…must be a continuous, permanent and progressive work; it must permeate all teaching, even profane, penetrating right to the depths of the soul. It, therefore, consists in addition to the methodical exposition of doctrine, in seeing and making all things be seen in the light of the great and Divine Truth, just as in the contemplation of the material creation, things are not properly seen in their true colours, if not by the light, even if sometimes concealed by clouds, of the beautiful sun of God…”

As teachers we therefore aim to make them understand the connection that exists between all the subjects taught,in their subordination to the Faith, to allow them to better understand how to order and lead their life according to the right principles. By this means we help our children to grasp and understand what is right, in order to make them love and adhere to the Truth.

In doing so we pray in the words of Pope Pius XII: “…that they will accordingly exercise a healthy action on their generation – in fact, on future generations – so that they may pass through the world, leaving it better, sweeter and more beautiful than they found it

Literature, poetry, painting, as well as music, are excellent tools for forming the mind to the disinterested values of beauty, truth and morality. True art speaks beyond words and leads us to grasp transcendent values, and eventually God Himself. Interhouse competitions gives students the chance to express their beliefs and display their talent. Below are entries from the Sacred Heart art competition:

The winning entries for the Catholic Womanhood poetry competition:

The Catholic Woman
Tell me Catholic Woman,
What should you be?
Take a simple glance at Our Lady
And tell me what you see.

I see a chaste and humble spouse
A tender and loving mother
Modest and simple in her beauty
A model like no other.

I see her holy tenderness
As she prays for us her children,
Her humility and prayerfulness
A perfect and loving maiden.

So now, Catholic Woman,
What should you be?
A model of Our Lady,
For all eternity.

~ Olivia McKenna (1st)

Catholic Womanhood
A Catholic woman once I did see;
How very kind she was to me,
So lost and forlorn was I abandoned by my fellow men;
She held out her helping hand.
Her eyes so gentle with no rebuke;
Her smile full of encouragement,
I, Juan Diego Mexican boy;
She, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Her voice deep and meaningful;
As she told me to gather roses,
As long as I remember,
I shall remember her,
As a true woman of great goodness and greatness,
A true Catholic woman.

~ Veronica McAuliffe (2nd)

Winners of the Sacred Heart art competition

Pope Pius XII addressed teachers with these grave words:
“…your mission as teachers cannot be reduced simply to a means of imparting knowledge which is more or less profound and broad; you should be, above all, educators of the spirit, and, in due proportion, moulders of the souls of your pupils… Finally, the satisfactory fulfillment of such important duties will require on your part: assiduous dedication to your work, shunning no sacrifice and putting aside all personal gain; exemplary conduct, so that your little ones, who wil watch you closely, will learn more from your deeds than from your fine words – especially from your upright living, your self-abnegation, your patience, and your sincere piety…”

We pray that God will strenghen us to live up to such a great calling!

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