New Zealand
Bank details for New Zealand:
Westpac Account Name: Dominican Sisters of Wanganui
Westpac Account Number: 03-0791-0728558-00
All donations qualify for a 33% TAX REBATE from the IRD. Please quote our NZ Charities Services Number: CC37884
Bank details for Australia:
Westpac Account Name: Dominican Sisters of Wanganui
Westpac Account BSB Number: 033-636
Westpac Account Number: 334285
If you reside in the United Sates or any other country outside of New Zealand or Australia, please use the form below or scroll down for USA bank options.
Bank details for the United States of America:
Account Name: Dominican Sisters of Wanganui
Wells Fargo Bank Account Number: 2 015 569 425
Routing Number: 1210 42882
Checks can be made out to “The Dominican Sisters of Wanganui” and sent to:
Dominican Sisters, Attn: Loren Vaccarezza, 2240 Paragon Drive, San Jose CA 95131
All donations to our US account qualify for a tax deductible receipt.
Become a Dominican Guild Member!
Guild membership status is achieved by donating to the Sisters in the amount of $10 per month or $100 per year.
This can be done in several different ways and not only by giving monetary donations.
In-kind donations also qualify you for Guild Membership.
In-kind donations include food, services, time, and expertise.
Some examples of how you can support the Sisters in this way:
– Donations of food or drink of any kind (Christmas / Easter treats, etc included).
– Cooking for our annual retreat.
– Offering free or discounted services.
– Hosting the Signadou Boarders.
– Ironing for the Sisters.
– Donating books, furniture, vehicles, or items that would be of use to the Sisters.
– Sponsoring the Priests and Sisters for the Guild Dinner (This offsets a cost for the Sisters and so counts toward membership).
(This list is not exhaustive.)
Guild Levels
St Margaret of Hungary Guild | $100 to $499 |
St Martin de Porres Guild | $500 to $999 |
St Agnes of Montepulciano Guild | $1,000 to $2,499 |
St Pius V Guild | $2,500 to $4,999 |
St Rose of Lima Guild | $5,000 to $9,999 |
St Thomas Aquinas Guild | $10,000 to $14,999 |
St Catherine of Siena Guild | $15,000 to $19,999 |
St Dominic Guild | $20,000 to $24,999 |
St Joseph Guild | $25,000 to $49,999 |
Our Lady of the Rosary Guild | $50,000 to $99,999 |
Honorary Guild | $100,000 and over |
All Guild Members are remembered in the Sisters’ weekly chapter prayers.