The week and a bit just past
On the Feast of Pentecost, it is customary in our Congregation for each Sister to receive a “Gift” of the Holy Ghost and also a “Fruit” of the Holy Ghost. During the singing of the … Read more
May, the Month of Our Lady
“The mystery of the Ascension raised Mary’s thoughts still higher heavenwards. The evening of that day, when she withdrew to the Supper-room with the Apostles (Acts 1:14) she must have felt, as they too did, … Read more
Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ
“And so, dearly-beloved, let us rejoice with spiritual joy, and let us with gladness pay God worthy thanks and raise our hearts’ eyes unimpeded to those heights where Christ is. Minds that have heard the … Read more
St Patrick’s Day
On the Feast of St Patrick (17th March 2020), the Sisters sang the Mass in our little chapel in Nazareth, before Fr Albert blessed the site of the new building.