The Last Three Months of the School Year 2014
Farewell to Madame Pipon and Domitille
On October 31st, the Sisters and boarders said good-bye to Madame Pipon and Domitille with a farewell dinner. It was really wonderful having them here and a big thank you to Madame Pipon for all her hard work and to Domitille for bringing her youthful energy and plenty of laughs.
Piano Recitals
The Boarders took turns in performing in different piano recitals a number of lovely pieces, including ‘Allegro’ by Haydn, ‘Habenera’ by Ernesto Halffter, ‘Praembulum’ (Partita V) by Bach, Pomp and Circumstance, La Cumparsita, Aura Lee, Clarinet Song, Valley of Tears and Polka Mazurka. There was also a beautiful duet with Sr M Anna who played ‘Ave Maria’ on the violin.
On Saturday, November 15th, the girls learned to make pois. Poi means ball in Maori. A string is taken and braided, then cotton taken and wrapped with plastic and shaped into a ball at the end. The girls used them to learn a dance for the camp swinging it up, down, front, and back. All had their fair share of fun.
November’s Birthdays and Feastdays at Signadou
Camp Notre Dame de Paris
This year’s camp centred on the life of Mother Aubert whose cause is up for canonization. The camp also focused on French (as Mother Aubert is originally from France) giving the girls a chance to practise the French that they have been learning this year.
The girls were divided into three teams: Les Occitanes, Les Savoyardes, Les Bretons
Each team had their own colours, team mascot, headbands, team cry, and team song.
Each team had their own colours, team mascot, headbands, team cry, and team song.
Virtue of the Day: Charity
Following Mass, the girls visited a museum to learn about Mother Aubert’s life and all the work she did in New Zealand. Afterwards, they visited the cemetery where Mother Aubert was buried. They then visited the statue at Paraparaumu and prayed the rosary at our Lady’s feet. The day ended with a school dinner, to which the other priests, sisters and the brothers were invited.
Virtue of the Day: Self-Sacrifice
After sleeping at the school, the girls went to Mass in the morning then headed off to a Skyline Walk. The first group went on a longer hike with Fr. Bochkoltz. Though it began to rain, the girls kept their spirits up, built a fire, and completed the course. The second group left at a later time, and although they also were rained upon, they still had lots of fun. Everyone then met at Jerusalem – where Mother Aubert did most of her work and where we spent the remainder of the camp.
Virtue of the Day: Faith
Virtue of the Day: Faith
After attending morning Mass, the girls went jet boating on the Wanganui River then hiked up to the “Bridge to Nowhere.” After the hike and jet boating, the girls were able to go canoeing for two hours on the Wanganui River.
Virtue of the Day: Generosity
On the first day of Advent, the girls celebrated the countdown to Christmas with poi dances and singing competitions, crafts, and the making of the nativity scene by each team. Sunday night continued with a fun-filled presentation of Mother Aubert by Mlle Doutre, a campfire, fireworks, and a game of spotlight.
Virtue of the Day: Gratitude
On the last day of the camp, each of the girls were awarded a certificate for a certain quality that they showed throughout the past four days.
School Prize Giving Ceremony
On December 4th, St. Dominic’s College held their annual prize-giving ceremony.
Children of Mary
Signadou’s two eldest boarders became official members of the Children of Mary at the Consecration ceremony on December 5th. They made their promises to uphold the rules of the Children of Mary and received the privilege of being able to wear the blue cloak.
After all of the events of the busy past three months, the boarders headed home for the holidays. It has been a wonderful year and the sisters are looking forward to seeing them again next year!