The contingent, which consisted of three novices (S.M. Louise, S.M. Johanna and S.M. Thomas) and one newly temporarily-professed sister (S.M. Raymond O.P.), was headed by our Foundress and Mother Prioress General, Mother Mary Micaela O.P. They would be joined in Tynong very shortly by S.M. Catherine O.P. and the new postulants from America and Australia; other postulants from Singapore and the Philippines would likewise come later, once their visas were approved.
For weeks in advance, we had been awaiting the day with trepidation, wondering how convent (and even school-) life would fare in the absence of our Foundress, Mother Micaela. Conversely, there had also been many humorous moments, as the Australians amongst us took great delight in describing to the departing sisters (with only a little exaggeration, to be sure) the huge spiders, poisonous snakes and other deadly animals that they were sure to encounter in their new surroundings.

At last, the day dawned. We all gathered at the airport, lugging the (rather overweight-looking) bags and suitcases of the travellers.