Virginie receiving her Top of the World award
We had a great thrill this month when we were notified that one of our pupils had come Top of the World in the Cambridge IGCSE Examinations. This was Virginie Mathey who came top in French. Virginie is originally from New Caledonia but she must have done well in all aspects of the examination to gain this top place with 99% over the various components of the Examination. Her mother says that her French is very rusty after being out of French schools since Virginie was ten – but we think it cannot be too bad!
Father Laisney receiving the “ Top School ” award.
Virginie and her mother and father, and S.M.Madeleine, her French teacher, and Father Laisney, the Principal, went to Auckland for an awards ceremony. Virginie went up and received her prize, and Father Laisney was also called up to receive a “ Top School ” award. We thought this a fitting reward for all the time and effort he puts into our school!
Mr and Mrs Mathey with Virginie, Sister Mary Madeleine O.P and Father Laisney
Congratulations! 🙂
Congratulations to Virginie, her parents and teachers. This great achievement is further evidence of the excellence in education provided by traditional convent schools. Let us pray for an increase in vocations to the traditional orders of religious and let us thank God also for the wonderful Sisters in Wanganui.
Deo gratias!
The benediction of our good Lord must be upon the school, for the brilliant and wonderful Sisters, and for the excellent students!
We certainly need more traditional Catholic schools around, and for that, let us pray for more (teaching religious) vocations, like Bernadette has said.
Congratulations and greetings from Ireland
Of course the Sisters offer academic excellence, as in the case of Virginie but , as one would expect, they offer excellence in their spiritual and moral training of the girls in their care. Thus we see in the latest newsletter of the SSPX in Asia, under the “Asia Chronicle” section, a photograph of new and slightly windswept “Children of Mary” in Wanganui. These children were received on December 8th last and we can be sure they brought great joy and consolation to the Immaculate Heart of their Dear Mother.They look delightful in their cloaks and veils and perhaps the Sisters have more photographs of this beautiful ceremony.With Mary as their model, these girls will always provide an edifying example of Catholic womanhood wherever they go.
Congrats Virginie, and Sisters!