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If you reside in New Zealand, Australia or the United States, please use the bank details below for the respective country. If you reside in another country, please scroll down for more information.

New Zealand

Bank details for New Zealand:

Westpac Account Name: Dominican Sisters of Wanganui

Westpac Account Number: 03-0791-0728558-00

All donations qualify for a 33% TAX REBATE from the IRD. Please quote our NZ Charities Services Number: CC37884


Bank details for Australia:

Westpac Account Name: Dominican Sisters of Wanganui

Westpac Account BSB Number: 033-636

Westpac Account Number: 334285

If you reside in the United Sates or any other country outside of New Zealand or Australia, please use the form below or scroll down for USA bank options.


Bank details for the United States of America:

Account Name: Dominican Sisters of Wanganui

Wells Fargo Bank Account Number: 2 015 569 425

Routing Number: 1210 42882

Checks can be made out to “The Dominican Sisters of Wanganui” and sent to:

Dominican Sisters, Attn: Loren Vaccarezza, 2240 Paragon Drive, San Jose CA  95131

All donations to our US account qualify for a tax deductible receipt.